How to Save Time Fit Testing Hospital Staff and Medical Teams
Staff who must wear respirators for work are already required to be fit tested annually.
TSI's Channel Partners Provide Quantitative Respirator Fit Testing to Hospital Workers
PT HAS Environmental in Indonesia, One Gasmaster in Malaysia, and Innovative Instrument in Thailand are helping out local hospitals with respirator fit testing.
Viruses in the Air
Understanding how viruses spread through the air remains crucial for minimizing risks
PresSura Hospital Room Pressure Controllers RPC30
*Merci de noter que cette page est disponible en anglais uniquement.*Controls pressure, temp, humidity and ventilation in hospital rooms (maximum 1 room).
PresSura Room Pressure Monitors RPM20-CC
*Merci de noter que cette page est disponible en anglais uniquement.*Monitors key environmental parameters for compounding pharmacies and other cleanrooms.
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