Make a Trade with TSI®!

Have an old one?  |  Have a nonworking one?  |  Have a non-TSI one?

Trade-In. Trade-Up.

for CPCs, Electrostatic Classifiers and Aerodynamic Particle Sizers™

For a limited time only, TSI® is calling all CPCs, Electrostatic Classifiers and Aerodynamic Particle Sizers™ for a special trade-in offer! Order an equivalent newer model and receive 20 % discount when you send back your old instrument. The only requirement is that it needs to be completed.

Your Benefits

Old CPC Trade-In Old Electr. Classifier Trade-In Old APS™ Trade-In
  • Improved raw data collection rate (50 Hz)
  • Flood-resistant design
  • Higher concentration limit
  • Improved user interface with touch screen
  • Onboard storage
  • Easy to use with accessories such as RHT3000 and 3333
  • Onboard data logging and operation of SMPS™ without AIM software
  • Improved touchscreen user interface
  • Easy installation and automatic recognition of components such as DMA, impactor, neutralizer, etc.
  • Increased sheath flow range
  • Improved small particle efficiency
  • Enhanced mass-weighting
  • Virtually no background counts