Kolloquium Luftqualität an Straßen 2023

19.04.2023 - 20.04.2023 Bürgerhaus Bergischer Löwe, Konrad-Adenauer-Platz 3, 51465 Bergisch Gladbach, Germany https://www.fgsv.de/fileadmin/Veranstaltungsdokumente/Programm-Luftqualitaet-2023.pdf

Image of cars on a highway - representing the impact of transportation on air quality.TSI is pleased to announce its participation in the Kolloquium Luftqualität an Straßen 2023, taking place on April 19-20, 2023, in Bergisch Gladbach, Germany. The event is a professional exchange that brings together experts from administration, science, and industry to discuss air pollution control in the context of road construction and traffic.

At the event, Dr. Florian Dahlkötter, a representative from TSI, will give a presentation about solutions for measuring transient particulate emissions from the transport sector (title "Lösungen zur Messung transienter Partikelemissionen aus dem Verkehrssektor"). With the increasing need for sustainable mobility, it is important to have accurate measurements of particulate emissions to reduce air pollution and promote a healthier environment.

The Kolloquium Luftqualität an Straßen 2023 is an excellent opportunity for attendees to learn about the latest findings, ideas, and solution strategies related to air pollution control. The event will also provide a platform for professionals to network and exchange knowledge with others in the field.

TSI is proud to be a part of this event and is committed to providing innovative solutions for measuring air quality. We look forward to engaging with other professionals in the industry and learning about the latest developments in air pollution control.

We encourage attendees to visit our booth to learn more about our full solution for ultrafine particle monitoring. Our team of experts will be available to answer any questions and provide information about our cutting-edge solutions for measuring air quality and particularly ultrafine particles.

Don't miss this opportunity to connect with other professionals and learn about the latest developments in air pollution control. We hope to see you at the Kolloquium Luftqualität an Straßen 2023.