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ChemLine™ In-Line Metallanalysator

Artikelnr: 5164-01

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TSI began developing LIBS metals analysis sensors and products in 2008. Since then, our engineers have introduced both desktop and handheld metals analysis tools, the ChemReveal ™ and ChemLite ™ product lines. Both products have met with widespread success in metals production and recycling industries.

Taking that technology a step further, TSI developed and patented an in-line process LIBS sensor, the ChemLine™. In 2015, one of the world's largest aluminum manufacturers chose the ChemLine sensor for review by its R&D department. After two-and-a-half years of rigorous testing, the manufacturer installed the system. Now the system sorts metals seamlessly and is adding more value to scrap for our customers.

Product Details

Several ChemLine in-line systems are operating in the U.S. and Europe. This customizable system is the perfect solution for your particular sorting needs. Applications include these initial metals separations:

  1. Aluminum from Magnesium
  2. Aluminum Cast from Wrought
  3. 5XXX Aluminum from 6XXX Aluminum

The ChemLine sensor provides accurate and fast measurement of a scrap stream. Precision plus speed enables automatic scrap sorting providing fewer slowdowns, less downtime, and fast payback for your sorting. 



ChemLine has valuable applications for the automotive industry. By sorting alloys for clear separation and clean recycling, the sensor ensures high-quality results. ChemLine can easily distinguish among alloys used in the automotive industry, allowing you to automate the separation process for greatest productivity and throughput.

The system originally focused on non-ferrous or light metal separation. TSI engineers can adapt ChemLine sensor technology to other metals separating specifications and requirements. Contact TSI with your application requirements. 


  • Automotive fabricator scrap
  • End-of-life vehicle recycling
  • Converting production scrap
  • Light metals analysis and sorting
  • Aluminum analysis
  • Magnesium analysis
  • Titanium analysis
  • Alloy identification & chemistry 
  • Incoming scrap material identification
  • Quality control
  • Scrap metal recycling
  • Positive material identification
  • Alloy sorting

Leistungsmerkmale & Vorteile

  • High powered laser burns through contamination and coatings
  • Ruggedized modular optics design
  • Ethernet TCP/IP interfaces with your system