PortaCount Respirator Fit Tester 8048
新型PortaCount™呼吸器适合性检验仪,从人员培训到合规检测,全程支持呼吸防护计划。*仪器不包括平板电脑和笔记本电脑。 片剂包括在8040T和8048T束中。最适合的适合性检验仪现在是最快的PortaCount™呼吸器适合性检验仪符合新的OSHA修改的CNC协议.了解更多
DustTrak II Aerosol Monitor 8532
Quest Edge 7 Personal Noise Dosimeter
NOTE: Now Available in the US, Canada and Australia. Coming soon to more regions. TSI Quest™ Edge 7 Personal Noise Dosimeter is a powerful and intuitive instrument designed for identifying hearing loss threats and informing the design of hearing protection programs and...
AccuBalance Air Capture Hood 8380
ACCUBALANCE® 数字式风量罩 8380 是一种多用途的电子空气平衡仪主要用于测定流经散流器、格栅等各种风口的风量它具有一个可拆卸的微压计,可支持可选插拔探头,提供多种测量功能。
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