WELL Research Uncovers Economic Returns of Healthy Buildings

The International WELL Building Institute (IWBI) has recently published the business case “Investing in Health Pays Back”, an insightful paper that shows how healthy buildings solutions can generate improved performance and increased economic returns.

According to the research, healthy building strategies can boost employee productivity and decrease absenteeism, while also reducing medical costs. One of the key findings reports that “improvements to air quality, thermal comfort and lighting generated a health-related Net Present Value (NPV) of $2 million in one building over 10 years, which is more than 45 times the energy-related NPV of $44,000 for those same measures”.

In terms of real estate returns, the impact can be significant for those investing in healthy solutions and the research highlights how certifications can boost property value and rents, which increased from 4.4% to 7.7% for certified healthy buildings.


You can access the research review here


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