Real-Time Monitoring
Indoor air quality monitoring helps protect emergency responders' health and safety.
Hearing Loss and Noise Exposure in Law Enforcement and Fire Services
Noise-induced hearing loss is a significant risk for law enforcement and firefighters. Preventive measures and TSI's noise monitoring tools can help protect their hearing and ensure job performance and safety.
Gas Monitor
GM460型气体监测仪是一款功能强大的手持仪器,能够同时监测多达6种气体。除了标准的4种受限空间气体(包括可燃气体、O2、 CO和H2S)传感器,仪器还具有两个额外的智能通道,可接入PID、IR或剧毒传感器。该产品仅在北美发售。
BlueSky Air Quality Monitor 8143
The TSI BlueSky™ Air Quality Monitor is a lightweight, laser-based particle instrument designed to simultaneously measure PM2.5 and PM10 mass concentrations, as well as temperature and relative humidity. The device purchase includes a subscription to both TSI Link™ Software...
DustTrak™ DRX Aerosol Monitor 8533
VelociCalc Rotating Vane Anemometer 5725
VelociCalc® 旋叶风速计 5725 是一款高性能而易 -于-使用的旋叶风速计。 高精确度和可靠性使 VelociCalc 5725 成为专业人士检测流经冷、热盘管、扩散器、送风口及过滤器的不均匀分布气流或湍流的理想工具。
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