OSHA announces modifications to Respirator Fit Test Protocols

2019/9/26 Shoreview, Minnesota

PortaCount Respirator Fit Testers compatible with new Modified CNC ProtocolsOSHA has accepted two Modified Ambient Aerosol Condensation Nuclei Counter (CNC) Quantitative Respirator Fit Test Protocols. The new protocols go into effect on September 26, 2019.

The Modified CNC protocols reduce the time needed to complete a CNC fit test from just over seven to under two and a half minutes. They also reduce the number of test exercises from eight to four. They are based on three studies, published in a peer-reviewed journal, demonstrating equivalency to the original Ambient Aerosol CNC QNFT 8-exercise protocol.  

PortaCount Respirator Fit Testers compatible with new Modified CNC Protocols

Effective immediately, PortaCount® Respirator Fit Tester models 8030, 8038, 8040 and 8048 are uniquely positioned to run these modified CNC protocols. The protocols will be available via a simple, free software upgrade available for all users of these models. 

“We are proud to say the best respirator fit test is now the fastest,” said TSI Business Director Troy Tillman. “With the shorter protocols, our customers can perform more tests in less time without compromising safety or compliance.” 

Learn more about the OSHA Modified CNC protocols

Learn more about how PortaCount instruments meet the faster protocol