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科研、建筑施工、采矿、环保咨询以及其它领域的客户使用DustTrak™ 环境监测仪测量气溶胶浓度。TSI的环境监测仪能够测量PM1, PM2.5, 呼吸性粉尘PM4, PM10, 以及总PM等各个粒径范围的颗粒物。




Gas Monitor GM460

TSI's Gas Monitor Model GM460 is a powerful hand-held instrument capable of simultaneously monitoring up to six gases. In addition to the standard four confined space gases which include combustibles, O2, CO, and H2S, the GM46 has two additional smart channels that accept PID, IR, or super toxic sensors. This product is available only in North America. 

BlueSky Air Quality Monitor 8143

The TSI BlueSky™ Air Quality Monitor is a lightweight, laser-based particle instrument designed to simultaneously measure PM2.5 and PM10 mass concentrations, as well as temperature and relative humidity. The device purchase includes a subscription to both TSI Link™ Software (Premium account) and Data Services for one, two or three years depending on your choice.

BlueSky Air Quality Monitor 8145

The TSI BlueSky™ Air Quality Monitor is a lightweight instrument designed to simultaneously measure PM2.5, PM10 mass concentrations, temperature, relative humidity, barometric pressure, O3, CO, CO2, NO2, and SO2. The device purchase includes a subscription to both TSI Link™ Software (Premium account) and Data Services for one, two or three years depending on your choice.