Q-Trak XP Indoor Air Quality IAQ Monitor 7585
The Q-Trak™ XP Indoor Air Quality Monitor Model 7585 unites gas and particle measurements with traditional IAQ parameters -- in one lightweight, handheld instrument that is easy to use, configure and calibrate in the field. Designed for IAQ and industrial hygiene professionals...
DustTrak II Aerosol Monitor 8530EP
Dusttrak II 8530 EP气溶胶监测仪是连续监测施工现场和环境现场无组织排放的理想选择。它监测尘埃、烟雾、烟雾和雾气等气溶胶。
SidePak AM520 Personal Aerosol Monitor
个人暴露粉尘仪提供PM10、中国呼吸性粉尘、PM2.5、PM1和0.8 dpm的实时气溶胶质量浓度读数。是铸造厂、建筑、炼油厂、石化、陶瓷、航空航天、采矿和汽车的完美解决方案。
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