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TSI OmniTrak Smart Station

TSI OmniTrak Smart Station

The OmniTrak™ Smart Station can be used in conjunction with any OmniTrak™ module to provide immediate feedback as to the conditions in the immediate area.This product is only available in the US, Canada, United Kingdom, European Union, Switzerland, Norway and Australia. 

BlueSky Air Quality Monitor 8143

BlueSky Air Quality Monitor 8143

The TSI BlueSky™ Air Quality Monitor is a lightweight, laser-based particle instrument designed to simultaneously measure PM2.5 and PM10 mass concentrations, as well as temperature and relative humidity. The device purchase includes a subscription to both TSI Link™ Software...

Gas Monitor GM460

Gas Monitor GM460

GM460型气体监测仪是一款功能强大的手持仪器,能够同时监测多达6种气体。除了标准的4种受限空间气体(包括可燃气体、O2、 CO和H2S)传感器,仪器还具有两个额外的智能通道,可接入PID、IR或剧毒传感器。该产品仅在北美发售。 

VelociCalc Air Velocity Meter 9545

VelociCalc Air Velocity Meter 9545

VELOCICALC®空气流速仪9545是具有普通仪表价位的多功能仪表。该仪表使用一个具有多个传感器的探头同时测量和记录几种通风参数。请求报价Other Models A其他可用型号说明请求报价9545-AC包括ISO 17025空气速度和湿度认证请求报价9545-A 包括铰接探头.请求报价9545-A-AC包括铰接式探头和ISO 17025空气速度、温度和湿度认证。请求报价

VelociCalc Multi-Function Ventilation Meter 9565

VelociCalc Multi-Function Ventilation Meter 9565

VELOCICALC®多功能通风表9565提供直读式菜单的用户界面,以方便您使用本地语言进行操作。屏幕上提示和一步一步的指示,可引导用户完成仪器的安装,操作和现场校准。请求报价其他可用型号说明请求报价9565-AC包括ISO 17025温度、风速、湿度和压差认证。请求报价9565-A包括铰接探头.请求报价9565-A-AC包括ISO 17025温度、风速、湿度和压差认证。请求报价9565-P测量压差、大气压,并有两个K合金热电偶的输入。请求报价9565-P-AC测量压差、大气压,并有两个K合金热电偶的输入。包括ISO 17025压差认证...

Hydronic Manometer HM685

Hydronic Manometer HM685


AirAssure 8144-4 Indoor Air Quality Monitor

AirAssure 8144-4 Indoor Air Quality Monitor

AirAssure™ 8144-4 IAQ Monitor measures formaldehyde, CO, VOCs, CO2, particulate matter, barometric pressure, temperature and relative humidity.  The AirAssure™ IAQ Monitor in combination with TSI Link™ Solutions software are essential to creating, managing, and deploying your...

AccuBalance Air Capture Hood 8380

AccuBalance Air Capture Hood 8380

ACCUBALANCE® 数字式风量罩 8380 是一种多用途的电子空气平衡仪主要用于测定流经散流器、格栅等各种风口的风量它具有一个可拆卸的微压计,可支持可选插拔探头,提供多种测量功能。

Is Formaldehyde Lurking In Your Air?

Is Formaldehyde Lurking In Your Air?

Formaldehyde is a colorless and very water-soluble gas and is suspected of being carcinogenic and is present in just about all of our homes and workplaces.

118 results found