Recent respirator shortages have forced employers to source and use respirators of varying brands, types, and quality. Learn how one instrument can test them all.
PortaCount™ Fit Testers 8040 and 8048 are currently the only quantitative fit test systems that can test all filtering facepiece respirators, regardless of type, brand or quality. TSI’s N95 Companion™ technology makes these broad testing capabilities possible for all respirators with <99% filter efficiency, including NIOSH Series-95 and CE FFP2/FFP1 filtering facepiece respirators.
What is N95-Companion Technology?
An N95 Companion™ is an integrated DMA (differential mobile analyzer) technology that classifies particles inside a respirator by mobility and mass. During a PortaCount fit test, N95 Companion technology eliminates particles that are able to penetrate the N95 material. The N95 Companion measures only those particles that enter the respirator through a gap or leak in the face-seal, not any which penetrate the filter medium.
PortaCount Respirator Fit Testers are the only fit testers with N95-Companions. Other CNC-based fit testers cannot accurately complete a quantitative fit test on filter media with <99% filter efficiency.
Higher flow rate for greater accuracy
In addition to the N95 Companion advantage, TSI’s PortaCount Fit Tester models 8038 and 8048 produce a more accurate fit factor by sampling more air. They are able to employ a higher flow rate than other CNC-based quantitative fit testers, enabling more consistent and precise readings.
Larger air samples and N95 Companion technology ensure the most accurate fit test results available for N95 filtering facepiece respirators.
Quantitative Fit Test Instruments without N95 Companion technology
Fit testers without N95 Companion technology cannot differentiate between particles from face seal leakage versus penetration. An instrument that can't tell the difference between particles that penetrated the filter and particles that leaked in may fail a fit test that should pass.
Inaccuracy causes a cascade of problems.
- Failed fit tests waste time and respirators.
- False failures are frustrating for the wearer and the test administrator.
- Questionable results make it more difficult to match respirators to people and enable them successfully complete a test.
- Finally, uncertainty about the accuracy of fit testing results can erode trust in both the respirators and the process.
One Fit Test, Any N95
N95-Companion Technology is precisely why PortaCount Fit Testers (models 8048 and 8038) are exceptional for accuracy. These instruments provide a precise measurement of respirator fit for any respirator, including all N95s.